Function reference

Variable labels


Find and replace text substitution markers (e.g., %rostertitle%)

Functions Description
lbl_list_pipes Lists pipes in variable labels from Survey Solutions
lbl_replace_pipe Replaces pipes in variable labels with user-provided value
lbl_assert_no_pipes Asserts that no variable labels have any pipes


Identify labels that might be potentially truncated.

Functions Description
lbl_list_long_var_lbl List variables whose variable label is longer than the desired character length.
lbl_assert_no_long_var_lbl Assert that there is no variable in memory whose variable length exceeds the desired character length.


Check for variables without variable labels

Functions Description
lbl_list_no_var_lbl List variables without a variable label.
lbl_assert_have_var_lbl List variables without a variable label.

Inspection and manipulation

Find labels with desired content; modify labels with Designer metadata

Functions Description
lbl_list_matching_var_lbls Identify variables whose label matches a pattern.
lbl_use_meta This command accesses metadata and, optionally, uses it to set the value of data attributes.

Value labels

Inspection and manipulation

Find labels with desired content; find and drop unused labels

Functions Description
lbl_list_matching_val_lbls List value labels whose labels match a pattern.
lbl_list_unused_val_lbls List value labels not attached to any variable.
lbl_drop_unused_val_lbls Drop value labels not attached to any variable.