

lbl_use_meta - This command accesses metadata and, optionally, uses it to set the value of data attributes.


lbl_use_meta , varlist(varlist) from_meta(string) [ template(string) apply_to(string) missing_ok ]

options Description
varlist(varlist) Lists the variables this command should be applied to
from_meta(string) The name of the metadata the command should use
template(string) A template that the metadata value should be combined with
apply_to(string) Provide the name of the data attribute to which the template will be applied
missing_ok Suppresses the error thrown if no variable in varlist() has a char with the name used in from_meta()


This command tackles two related tasks: first, accessing metadata (e.g., question text, answer text, etc.); and second, applying that retrieved metadata to the attributes of in-memory data sets (e.g., variable label).

As a getter, this command retrieves metadata stored in chars. While intended to be used in combination with metadata added by the sel_add_metadata, this command will work with any other char value as well.

As a setter, this command can also set the value of data attributes using the the retrieved metadata. In the most basic case, it retrieves metadata and sets the value of a user-specified data attribute – for example, retrieving question_text for a variable and applying that string to the variable label. In other cases, it can retrieve metadata and set the value of a data attribute using a template (see the template() option below) – for example, retrieving the answer_text of a multi-select question and applying it to the variable label (e.g., "Water source: {META}"). And in still other cases, it can effortlessly perform this operation in batch – for example, identifying all questions derived from a multi-select question in Survey Solutions (through the varlist(asset_owned*) option), retrieving their answer_text metadata (through the from_meta() option), and applying that metadata to the variable label through sensible string template (via apply_to("varlabel") template("Asset: {META}")).


varlist(varlist) lists the variables this command should be applied to. It can either be a single variable or a list of variables.

from_meta(string) indicates the name of the metadata the command should use. This metadata is expected to be saved in a char with the same name as the metadata. The command sel_add_metadata stores Survey Solution metadata this way.

template(string) allows the user to provide a template describing how the metadata should be writen into the template. The template should be a single string and must include {META}, a placeholder indicating where that the metadata value will written. See below for an example.

apply_to(string) indicates that the template should be applied to a variable label for that variable. If the option template() is used, then the metadata value in combination with the template will be used. The only valid value this option accepts is varlabel. Future versions of this command might allow more options.

missing_ok suppresses the error thrown if no variable in varlist() has a char with the name used in from_meta(). Variables in varlist() without the relevant char will be ignored by this command.


Set up example data used in all examples below:


gen region1 = .
gen region2 = .
gen region3 = .
gen region4 = .

char region1[region] "North"
char region2[region] "East"
char region3[region] "South"
char region4[region] "West"

char region2[other] "something"

char list

Example 1: Retrieve a metadata value

This example use the example data set up above. It takes the meta data value in other for the variable region2 and stores it in a returned local.

* retrieve the metadata name `other`
* return it to a macro
lbl_use_meta, varlist(region2) from_meta(other)
return list

Example 2: Set the variable label of a single variable with a template

* retrieve the metadata named `other` and
* apply it to the variable label for variable `region2`
* with a template
lbl_use_meta, varlist(region2) from_meta(other) ///
  template("This meta value is {META}. Does it look correct?") ///
return list

Example 3: Set the variable label of multiple variables at once with a template

This example use the example data set up above. It takes the meta data value in region for each variable, and applies it to the template Region: {META}. And then it stores the respective result for each variable in its variable label.

* retrieve the metadata named `region` and
* apply it to the variable label for ALL variables matching `region?`
* with a template
lbl_use_meta, varlist(region?) from_meta(region) ///
  template("Region: {META}") apply_to("varlabel")
return list

Feedback, Bug Reports, and Contributions

Read more about the commands in this package at

Please provide any feedback by opening an issue at

PRs with suggestions for improvements are also greatly appreciated.


LSMS Team, The World Bank