

lbl_replace_pipe - Replaces pipes in variable labels with user-provided value


lbl_replace_pipe , pipe(string) replacement(string) [truncate(string) output_level(string) missing_ok varlist(varlist)]

options Description
pipe(string) The name of the pipe to be replaced
replacement(string) The value the pipe should be replaced with
truncate(string) Toggle behavior when the new label is too long
output_level(string) Toggle verbosity level in output
missing_ok Suppresses error when the pipe does not exist in any variable label
varlist(varlist) Restrict the scope of variables to consider


Data collected with Survey Solutions (SuSo) commonly have pipes in the format %pipename% in the variable label. This command can be used to replace such pipes with a value provided by the user.

This command is intended to be used together with the command lbl_list_pipes (also in the labeller package). The lbl_list_pipes command can be used to list which pipes exist in the dataset, and then lbl_replace_pipe can be used to replace the pipes.

lbl_replace_pipe can only replace one pipe at a time. When more than one pipe exists in a dataset, then this command is intended to be repeated once per pipe.


pipe(string) is the option that indicates which pipe should be replaced. This option only allows exactly one pipe at a time. It is optional to include the % tags, so the pipe can either be included as %pipename% or pipename.

replacement(string) is the value that the pipe should be replaced with. It can be any string allowed in a variable label. However, since variable labels in Stata are not allowed to be longer than 80 characters, the replacement value should not be too long.

truncate(string) is an option that lets the user decide what should happen if a label is too long after the pipe has been replaced with the new value. The options are error (the command throws an error and exits), warning (the command outputs a warning and continues), and prompt (the command asks the user to interactively confirm each case). The default is error.

output_level(string) is an option that allows the user to set how verbose the output should be. The valid values for this option are minimal, verbose, and veryverbose. The default is verbose.

missing_ok suppresses the error thrown if a pipe the user is trying to replace does not exist in any variable label in the dataset. The default behavior is that the code is interrupted with an error if the pipe does not exist.

varlist(varlist) restricts the scope of the search to the user-provided variable list. By default, the command searches for matches in all variables in memory. With varlist(), the scope of the search can be narrowed.


This simple example first creates a data set where the pipe %unit% is added to the variable label of the variable mpg. Then lbl_replace_pipe is used to replace %unit% in the label with the value miles per gallon.

*Create example data
sysuse auto, clear
label variable mpg "Mileage (%unit%)"

*Replace the unit pipe
lbl_replace_pipe, pipe("unit") replacement("miles per gallon") ///

Feedback, Bug Reports, and Contributions

Read more about the commands in this package at

Please provide any feedback by opening an issue at

PRs with suggestions for improvements are also greatly appreciated.


LSMS Team, The World Bank