sel_add_metadata - Apply SuSo metadata to current data
sel_add_metadata using path/to/metadata.dta
This command applies Survey Solutions (SuSo) meta data to chars. This command expects as input the file outputted by the R-function cleanstart.
After this commands runs successfully, SuSo meta data is stored in char
values that can be read like this:
local type : char varA[type]"
if "`type'" == "NumericQuestion" {
// Do something to numeric questons
This command does not have any options. It only takes the path to the meta data file in using
local metadatafile "${meta_data}/question_metadata.dta"
sel_add_metadata using `metadatafile'
Feedback, Bug Reports, and Contributions
Read more about these commands on this repo where this package is developed. Please provide any feedback by opening an issue. PRs with suggestions for improvements are also greatly appreciated.