

ad_publish - This command is used to set up a package for publication


ad_publish , adfolder(string) [undocumented(string) ssczip nogen_sthlp]

options Description
adfolder(string) Location of the adodown-styled package
undocumented(string) List undocumented ado-files expected to not have a help-file
ssczip Generates a Zip-archive ready to send to SSC
nogen_sthlp Do not run ad_sthlp on the package

Read the adodown package’s web-documentation where you find all helpfiles for the commands in this package, as well as articles with guides and best-practices related to the commands in this package.


This command is intended to be used when preparing a package for publication. Unless the option nogen_sthlp is used, this command uses the command ad_sthlp() (also in this adodown package) to generates the .sthlp-files from the .mdhlp-files.

It then takes package version and Stata version from the .pkg-file in this package, and applies that together with the current date to the version meta data and settings in the .ado-files and the .sthlp-files.


adfolder(string) is used to indicate the location of where the adodown-styled package folder already exist.

undocumented(string) lists commands that are undocumented. Undocumented commands are not expected to have an help-file. This command throws an error if an expected help-file is missing. Undocumented commands are typically commands for testing or commands used as a utility in other commands in this package.

ssczip generates a zip-archive ready to send to SSC. This zip-archive only include the ado-files, sthlp-files and ancillary files listed in the pkg-file. SSC require that all files are included without any subfolders, or any pkg-files or toc-files.

nogen_sthlp disables the generation of .sthlp-files from the .mdhlp-files. If not used this command will run ad_sthlp() on the package in adfolder().


Example 1

This example assumes that there is already a adodown-styled package folder at the location the local myfolder is pointing to, and that some commands have already been created. Any mdhlp-files in the mdhlp folder in the folder myfolder is pointing to will be rendered to Stata helpfile format and saved in the sthlp folder. Then the command will update the version meta data

* point a local to the folder where the package is located
local myfolder "path/to/folder"

* Render the Stata helpfiles
ad_publish, adf("`myfolder'")

Feedback, bug reports and contributions

Read more about the commands in this package on the GitHub repository for the adodown package.

Please use the issues feature e to communicate any feedback, report bugs, or to make feature requests.

PRs with suggestions for improvements are also greatly appreciated.


LSMS Team, The World Bank