
mdhlp syntax documentation

This article provides documentation for how to write helpfiles in an adodown styled Stata package using mdhlp files. The mdhlp files are used as source both when building web based documentation and when rendering Stata helpfiles in .sthlp format.

Start with template

We recommend that you use a template and do not start with an empty file. Easiest is to use ad_command when starting a new command to create both the .ado in the ado-folder for the code of the command, and the .md in the mdhlp-folder for the documentation. If you for any reason can not, or do not want, to use ad_command, but still want use this workflow, then you can manually download the template from here.

Syntax supported when rendering .sthlp files

This is how ad_sthlp will render markdown syntax to the SMCL format that is used in Stata helpfiles.


Markdown syntax Description SMCL syntax Comment
Paragraph Using {pstd}/{p_end} tags In markdown a paragraph is not defined by a character. Instead, a paragraph is defined as text between empty lines with no other formatting (part from inline formatting). In the Title and Syntax sections the {phang} tag is used instead of {pstd}.
# Header level 1 Using {title:} tag
## Header level 2 Using {dlgtab:} tag No formatting applied if using more #. As in ###, #### etc.
__ __ Inline bold font Using {bf:} tag Ignored within code formatting
** ** Inline underlined font Using {ul:} tag Ignored unless used for text already in bold font
_ _ Inline italic font Using {it:} tag Ignored in bold font
` ` Inline code font Using {inp:} tag All other inline formatting is ignored within the ` tags
``` / ``` Multiline code block Using {input}/{text} tags Ignores all formatting within the ``` tags
[ ]( ) Hyperlinks Using {browse link:text} tags May not be combined with other types of formatting
| | | / |--|--| / | | | Tables Uses {synopt} or {c |}{col X}{c TT}{hline Y} type syntax. The two-column {synopt} syntax is used in the Syntax section. In all other sections the table is built using SMCL’s low level table syntax. The symbol \| is not allowed in a cell of a table.
<!-- / --> Comments Commented lines are ignored Supports both multi and single line comments


Text that are not formatted as tables, headers or code blocks that follows an empty line will be interpreted as a paragraph and the {pstd} will be used.

The {pstd} tag will be added in the beginning of the first line of text, and {p_end} will added on it’s own line before the first subsequent empty line. This means that lines of text only separated by a line breaks will still be considered the same paragraph as long as there are no empty lines.

In the Title and Syntax sections, the {phang} tag is used instead of {pstd}. This is to highlight the command name in the special paragraphs typically found in those sections.


ad_sthlp has support for two header levels corresponding to markdowns header levels # for level 1 and ## for level 2. Level 1 headers are formatted using the {title} tag when rendered to Stata helpfiles, and level 2 headers are formatted using the {dlgtb} tag.

There is no established convention in the Stata community that {title} and {dlgtb} have a level 1 and 2 relation between each other. This is simply a subjective implementation of ad_sthlp.

Level 1 - Title

Any line that starts with # will be treated as a level 1 heading and rendered as a title using the {title} tag. Everything that follows # will be used as the title text. Adding other types of formatting to the title text might work, but it is not supported, and therefore not recommended.

Level 2 - Dialogue Tab

Any line that starts with ## will be treated as a level 2 heading and rendered as a dialogue tab using the {dlgtab} tag. Everything that follows ## will be used as the dialogue tab text. Adding other types of formatting to the dialogue box text might work, but it is not supported, and therefore not recommended.

Inline text formatting

Bold inline formatting

Text between __ (two _ underscores) tags, as in __bold text__, is formatted as {bf:bold text} when rendered to Stata helpfiles.

Italic formatting

Text between _ (a single underscore) tags, as in _italicized text_, is formatted as {it:italicized text} when rendered to Stata helpfiles.

It is not possible to italicize bold font text. This is to make it possible to express as command name like ad_sthlp in bold font. _ is therefore ignored in bold font.

An italicized word can have a an underscore, such as in _hello_world_. An underscore is only interpreted as the end of an italicized span if it is followed by one of the following character (a blank space), ), ,, ., :, /, {, }, [ or ]. so in label(_label_name_) the first underscore is interpreted as the beginning of the italic span. The second underscore is interpreted as part of the italic span as it is followed by the regular letter n. The third underscore is interpreted as the end of the italic span as it is followed by one of the special characters listed above.

Underlined inline formatting

Text between ** ** tags in bold font text, as in __**underlined text**__, is formatted as {bf:{ul:italicized text}} when rendered to Stata helpfiles.

Note that underlined format is ignored unless it is applied to text already formatted with bold font. This is due to underlined formatting not existing in markdown, and markdown is used for the web documentation in the adodown workflow. The recommendation is therefore to use underlined formatting sparsely.

However, underlined formatting has one important function in Stata helpfiles. It indicates the shortest allowed abbreviations of command and option names. Since abbreviations are only allowed for options in community written commands we will only focus on underlined formatting for abbreviations in option names.

Option names are in bold font, and underline font should therefore only be used on text in bold font. This reduces the risk of relying too much on underlined formatting when writing Stata helpfiles and then realizing underlining is not supported in web documentation.

Suggested formatting of command and option names

Here are recommendations on how combine inline formatting to format syntax of command names and command option names.

Example Description
__ad_sthlp__ Command named ad_sthlp. Do not use underline in command names as abbreviations are not allowed in names of community written commands.
__option__ Option named option. No parameter is allowed. No abbreviation is allowed.
__**opt**ion__ Option named option. No parameter is allowed. The option named is allowed to abbreviate to opt.
__option__(_string_) Option named option. A string parameter is expected. No abbreviation is allowed.
__**opt**ion__(_string_) Option named option. A string parameter is expected. The option named is allowed to abbreviate to opt.
Code inline formatting

Any text between two ` on the same line will be formatted using the {input} tag. You may not split the two ` across multiple lines. If unmatched ` are found, then a warning will be issued.

It is not possible to show a backtick ` in an inline comment. For example when trying to show a local referenced as in open `folder'/myfile.dta. The ` in the inline formatting will always be interpreted as the end of the inline code formatting when converted to Stata help files. It is still possible to show the backtick ` in code blocks (see below).

All other formatting will be ignored in text that is formatted as a code. This means that cd in ab_cd_ef will not be italicized. The _ signs will be kept and formatted as code.

Code blocks formatting

Any text between lines that starts with ``` (commonly referred to as a code block) will be formatted using the {input} tag. Any text following on the same line as ``` will be ignored when converting to Stata help files. Code blocks are suitable for longer examples of code.

The initial ``` will be replaced with the {input} tag, and the ending ``` will be replaced with {text}. The text in-between is indented 8 blank spaces (twice the indent for {pstd}).


Syntax tables

In the Syntax section the only table supported is the {synopt} table. This is a table that list all the options in the first column and provide a short description in the second column. The table may only be exactly two columns wide. When rendered into a Stata helpfile the column titles will be “options” and “Description” which is the Stata defaults. Only “options” will be italicized.

There is no way to have more than two columns in a {synopt} table. A {synopt} table has support for line breaks in the second column. It is possible to have multiple tables in the Syntax section. All of them will still be {synopt} tables.

Other tables

In all other sections tables are generated using SMCL’s low level support for tables: {c |}{col X}{c TT}{hline Y} etc. There is no limit on the number of columns in these tables. However, there is no support for line breaks within a table cell. All columns will be as wide as the longest value in that column.


Any line that starts with <!-- will be treated as a comment and be ignored when converting to .sthlp format. A comment ends with -->. If <!-- and --> are on multiple lines, then both those lines, as well as any lines in-between those lines, will be treated as comments.

Anything on the same line as --> will be treated as a comment even if it comes after -->. A line with any text before <!-- will not be treated as a comment and a warning will be thrown. Due to these two behaviors it is not possible to do an inline comment where only part of a line is a comment. Hence, the line Not a comment <!-- comment --> not a comment will be converted verbatim and everything, including the <!-- and --> tags, will be displayed when viewing the helpfile.