

sel_char - This command is used for short description.


sel_char querystring varlist(varlist)

options Description
varlist(varlist) Specify a subset of current variables to search


This command allows the user to filter variables based on values in chars. It will return a local in r(varlist) with all variables that matches the query string. See the examples below for instructions on how to specify the querystring.


varlist(varlist) allows the user to specify a subset of the variables in the data set to filter on. The default is that the command filter on all variables in the current data set. With varlist(varlist), the scope of the search can be narrowed. This narrower variable list could come, for example, from other commands in selector.

Stored results

If the command is set to only filter on one char name, then the command stores the following results in r():

r-macro Description
varlist The list of variables which char values matched the filtering criteria
match_count The number of variables in varlist

If two or more char values are used to filter, then for each char, these results are also store in r(). These stored results is intended to be helpful when doing a complex filtering and the users do not get the result they expected. Then this information may be useful in debugging purposes:

r-macro Description
char* The name of the char
char*_value The char value used to filter on
has_char* The list of variables that had this char regardless of what value
has_char*_count The number of variables in has_char*
match_char* The list of variables that had this char and the value matched char*_value
match_char*_count The number of variables in match_char*


Example 1

In this example a second price varible is created. The currency used for the variables is stored in the char value “currency”. Then sel_char is used to list all variables that has the value “USD” in the char “currency”.

sysuse auto, clear

char price[currency] "USD"

gen  price_eur = price * .9
char price_eur[currency] "EUR"

sel_char "currency USD"
return list

Example 2

You can combine multiple char values to filter your variable list further. When combining multiple chars the command returns data on the filtering on each char.

sysuse auto, clear

char price[currency] "USD"

gen  price_eur = price * .9
char price_eur[currency] "EUR"

char price[raw] "1"
char price_eur[raw] "1"

sel_char "raw 1" "currency USD"
return list

Example 3

This example is synonymous with example 2, as the variable list that is a result of the first run of sel_char is passed into the varlist() option in the second run of sel_char. This can be especially useful when combining this command with other commands in the selector package.

sysuse auto, clear

char price[currency] "USD"

gen  price_eur = price * .9
char price_eur[currency] "EUR"

char price[raw] "1"
char price_eur[raw] "1"

sel_char "raw 1"
sel_char "currency USD" , varlist(`r(varlist)')
return list

Feedback, Bug Reports, and Contributions

Read more about these commands on this repo where this package is developed. Please provide any feedback by opening an issue. PRs with suggestions for improvements are also greatly appreciated.


LSMS Team, The World Bank